Monday, August 18, 2014

My six words

Title : Old ways won't open new doors. 
    I picked this 6 word saying because it's telling you not to go back into old habits. Try something new and build upon that. You aren't always going to get what you want in life so you have to learn how to deal with new stuff. You don't always make it far if your using old habits. Along the way, you have to change the ways you do stuff. For example, I volunteer and play soccer. Starting off volunteer for my first time, I didn't know anyone nor did I know my way around the hospital, so I had to learn how to talk and be around others without being shy. In soccer throughout my 6 years, I met a lot of new people as I played but I also had to learn how to work together as a team. 
    In my video I showed a part about looking in the back of the book for the answers. Yes, I get that you check your answers to see if there right, but not everyone's alike and so some people just copy the back of the book. In my next showing, I showed the bear reading and not procrastinating. Procrastinators wait til the very last minute til something is due. If you change your ways and plan stuff out, you won't have to be struggling.  Therefore, you should change your ways and get out of your circle your always in. " Old Ways Won't Open New Doors. "

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