Birth Order Research
In my family of six, I'm considered the
youngest child. In my family, there's my mom and dad, sister (20), sister (19),
brother (18), and then me. (15) I listed five character traits describing how the
youngest child is, and how I relate to it. The five traits I feel that relates
to me the most has the most background to it.
The youngest child is described as rebellious.
Rebellious fits me because I can be a rebel sometimes and not think of the consequences
that could happen afterwards. Youngest child is also described as carefree. I
absolutely know I'm carefree due to the things I don't have to worry about. For
example, a lot of the times I depend on my older siblings to helps out.
Therefore, I don't have a lot on my shoulders and I keep going on with life
with less problems.
character trait that relates to being the youngest is blaming others. I always
blame others when it comes down to me getting in trouble. For example, I'm the
youngest so obviously I'm spoiled. Being spoiled, knowing you won't get trouble
if you blame others is the way I see it. Yes, I do this a lot when it comes
down to who I think my parents will believe. Blaming others is my number one
characteristic I can relate to. My siblings are temperamental a lot of times, especially
when I blame stuff on them. Sometimes, I can actually relate to being temperamental
also. Little things can ruin my day within seconds. There are days I wake up
mad just for no reason. I don't only think this character trait fits only
youngest children, it fitsin the rest of the others as well.
Lastly, another trait describing "youngest child", that was found in the research is "impatient". I consider this my second top related character trait. I'm very impatient when I don't get what I want when I want when I want it. For example, I hate waiting in lines especially the lunch lines at school. I rather not eat then have to wait in a line where there are a lot of people. Another example is when people don't listen to what I have to say and just interrupt me when I'm speaking. I have very little patients with people that annoy me. I just can’t stand anyone sometimes. It can be hard for me to not be impatient.
The most background I have is the traits that fit me the most. Blaming others and being impatient I found the research to relate to me in being the youngest child. Many of the character traits had fit my personality, but as well as my older siblings because we are very rotten. As we were little growing up, everyone had spoiled us, so we really aren’t that different from each other.
From my point of view you are a very carefree spirit. You always seem to be in a good mood and not worried about the things happening to you and around you.