Monday, December 15, 2014

The joy of luck club essay

                    The joy of luck club 
      In the novel, "The Joy of Luck Club" by Amy Tan tells a couple different stories about mothers from China who have there daughters in America. The mother, Suyuan Woo had a big impact on her daughter Jing-Mei. Even after not getting along, Suyuan had to fill in for her mothers spot after she had died. In order to pay back what her mother had gave her, Jing-Mei decided to fulfill her mothers legacy. 
        Throughout the doubts and all the thinking, yes I do believe Jing-Mei did succeed to fulfill her mothers legacy. Her mother, Suyuan legacy before she died was to go look for her twin daughters back in China. She wanted to catch up and fill them in with everything that's been going on. Before her mother had even had a chance to plan it, she didn't make it. Her mother had died before getting to go back to China to reunite back with her twin daughters. 
        Jing-Mei had felt it was important to go after her mothers legacy and so what she wanted to do when she was till here. Finally one day, Jing-Mei had got in contact with her sisters and was glad they had responded back to the letter. Later on she was then in China with her two long lost twin sisters she had finally met. Remembering the reason why she had went, she felt as if it was her job to tell her sisters about her mothers death. She felt that they had every right to know what happened to "their" mother as well. 
       Being in China was different for Jing-Mei. It was her first time going. I can't say I can relate, but I can just imagine how she feels going alone after her mothers death. Accomplishing her mothers goals is what she planned on achieving. After being in China and learning more about her twin sisters, she seen how she related to them. 
         Jing-Mei experience in China was as planned. She was more then glad to have fulfilled her mothers legacy. In China, she had seen how she was part Chinese. The trip had made her realize what her mother wanted as for them "sisters" coming together and hanging out. It's different for them because Jing-Mei is an American and the other two twins are Chinese. Even though they are both different, they have the same cultures. At the end, Jing-Mei went back to America. She travels from time to time to catch up with her twin sisters. She always fulfilled and accomplished what her mother always wanted in life. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Leopard man questions 9-15

9. Tom leopard is called " leopard man " because he's known as a guy who has tattoos of leopard print all over his body. 

10. The another thinks that people with tattoos and pericings are desperate for societies attention and he finds himself unimpressed by them. He has these opinions because he thinks that when people try to attract in a positive form and have failed. They go for attention.

11. He's different from other people that have tattoos and pericings because this man lives in the wilderness wearing no clothes. People usually have a decent amount of tattoos but this man has it all over his body.

12. Leopard man lives in the wilderness. 

13. Society fears people who are lonely or known as " loners ". They pursue there own values without seeking others permissions. 

14. His argument was how even normal people have disorders as well as "normal" . They may suffer from alcoholism, eating disorders, amid attacks, depression, and ect. 

15. Leopard man is happy because he's free to himself and doesn't have to worry about what others think of him. He doesn't have to live up to anybody's expectations. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Latin roots #6

Roots and Derivatives
1.corp(or): body
2.cred: to believe; to trust
3.cur(r), curs, course: to run; to flow
4.dic(t): to speak; to say

Word List
benediction-the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service, a blessing or a state of blessedness

 concourse-running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng

 concurrent-occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together

 corporal-related to the physical body

 corpulent-very stout; fleshy and obese; fat

 credibility-the quality of being believable or trustworthy

 credulity-the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof

 cursory-done in a superficial or hasty manner.

dictum-an authoritative saying or maxim

incorporate-to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole

incredulous-not believing, skeptical, or doubt

indicative-a characteristic of or very much like; suggestive

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


1."…I only climbed on the spare spar and leaned over the rail as far as I could, to bring my eyes nearer to that mystery floating alongside."

2.Opaque: not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Elongated: unusually long in relation to its width.

Phosphorescent: something glows with light without becoming hot to the touch

Elusive: difficult to find, catch, or achieve.

Immerseddip or submerge in a liquid.

Cadaverous: resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony.

Ghastly: causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre.

3. Elevated language makes the text & time more formal. Paraphrasing the passage will make it shorter.

4.Abstract & concrete diction:
a)saw b)climbed c)clutched d)stare

5. The authors chose to leave the captain, ship, & crew nameless to creat a mysterious tone.
Denotation & connotation: 

6. The Denotation of the title The Secret Sharer is that the sharer is secretive in a sense that the person says, or, shares something that is not meant for anyone else to hear or see.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Literature Analysis #2 "The Scarlet Letter"

Book Title: The Scarlet Letter
Author: Nathaniel Hawthrone

         In the novel "The Scarlet Letter", by Nathaniel Hawthrone it talked a lot about "A". "A" was a marking, standing for adultery. The beginning of this novel starts off with Hester Prynne being escorted out of jail. She was in jail for Adultery and caring her child. There was many hatred on for her and her actions. Throughout the novel, Hester showed a big improvement on herself  and daughter Pearl. By the end Hester had a choice about taking out the Scarlet letter but choose to not.
         The main theme in this novel I would describe is love and fear of society. I chose love to be a theme because throughout the whole book, there was always some kind of love. No matter if the parents didn't technically like each other, this novel still contained a lot about love. Another main theme I found in "The Scarlet Letter" was fear of society. Even though today many people have a fear of society . A lot of people get judged very quickly whether its good or bad. Therefore, that's why many people are afraid of speaking or doing anything because they are afraid of what other people would think or say of them.
          The protagonist in this novel is Hester. I would describe her as a round character due to the changes throughout this novel. Her changes was how at first she was in a punishment, so they forced her to were there scarlet letter "A". Through more then half way to the novel finishing. many people changed there view towards Hester and pearl. To make things right, they had even allowed her to be able to take off the letter that was patched on her.
            A symbol was shown by Pearl. Pearl is the daughter of Hester and her "secretly" father is Roger Chillingworth. Pearl had represented Hester's adultery and a sin. She had represented a sin because Hester had betrayed the rules. Therefore, when Pearl was first born everyone had considered her by a sin. Even though she was known as something bad, her mother loved her dearly. Pearl had also symbolized the love for both of her parents.
            I had gotten interest in this book because of the previous blog post that we had read from others. This novel all sounded like a scandal but then again a twist of events. I kept reading this because more then half way I knew I was going to want to finish this novel. What had really caught my attention was how Hester was coming out of jail with her daughter Pearl which everyone at that time was against Hester and her daughters actions.
            I can't really say I connect to a specific character, but overall I can connect to the actions everyone had in town. For example, getting judged based off  the things you say or do. Still til this day, everyone gets judged weather if its good or bad. You shouldn't be scared of society. Sooner or later many of us are going to have to realize its reality. many people just go on doing whatever they want as in not caring what others think or say.
            As it says "It was meant for a blessing for the one blessing of her life. It was meant doubtless as the mother herself had told us for a retribution, too; a torture to be felt at many an unthought-of moment." (Hawthrone 86) It signified how Pearl was a symbol of Hester's adultery sin. Not only does it symbolize sin but also the love between her parents. I am going to remember this because it is true. Either ways good or bad there is always going to be a blessing having a child. Therefore, this saying really does tell a lot.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Greek Drama Handout questions

1. What kind of prize is given to dancing choruses of workshippers?
 The kind of prize that's given is a bull or a goat. 

2. How many spectators would gather in the open-air theatre of Dionysos?
Fourteen thousand spectators gathered in the open-air theatre. 

3. How does the mask affect the voices of the actors?
Each mask had its own mouthpiece which changed the actors voices. 

4. Why was Antigone suspenseful to viewing audiences? 
The suspenseful had came from the things the actors didn't know. 

5. How is Shepard to leave the infant on the mountainside?
Instead of the Shepard leaving the infant, he gave it up to the childless king and queen. 

6. What is the riddle of Sphinx have to Oedipus? 
The riddle was answering a question and if it was right they get saved. 

7.who are Oedipus' kids?
 Oedipus kids are Polyneices, Eteocles, Antigone and Ismene. 

8. After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?
Creon had taken over.

9. What did the family do to the dead body?
 Special annual festivals were held to remember there burial. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar

Write up ..
A: Persuasive and informative
B: Jonathan Safran Foer
C: Jonathon Safran Foer Webinar
D: October 28, 2014

        What I found important in this is how people look at eating animals. There's many examples that comes down to the topic. For example, it's like the turkeys we eat during thanksgiving vs a dog.Yes, I am against eating dogs. Some people are even against eating turkeys but here in the United States we see that it makes a difference with dogs. If people can eat turkeys, why can't they eat dogs, same difference right? 
      In the video I just watched, there was an out numbered of 76 million people that had got food poisoning. It really caught my attention because it questions what I eat. I'm not a vegetarian and I eat meat. It questions me to the types of food I'm eating and what it is really made from. This shows how food like this can be dangerous and may even change your point of view on how you see these two types. 
         An important fact that had caught my  attention is the way people understand this. Many people thinks it is weird to be a " vegetarian " because many people you know isn't a vegetarian. Mostly everyone around you like meat. Everyone has their own perspective on this, as well as you do to being a vegetarian. People shouldn't judge by the way you see stuff. If this world was going to be about everyone being alike and seeing everything in the same way, there wouldn't be a one of a kind. There wouldn't be debates about stuff like this. 

My life : This relates to my life because of the way I see things differently to others. I now get how people can actually debate about this topic in various ways. For example, one type of person ( vegetarian ) see things differently then ( meat eaters ). I would never in my life eat a dog. As I was small I was surrounded by dogs, which are pets I still own today. I wouldn't be thrilled if one day we just cooked up one of my pets for dinner. I see the cows in a different way because they aren't animals that people really take care of vs dogs. Many of us eat all the other animals possibly named. If we can eat cows, pigs, fish and etc .. then people should be able to eat dogs as well. Yes, even though I'm against this I strongly think it should go both ways not just one way. Reading part of the book, and watching this video it didn't change my view of becoming a vegetarian. What it really did was opened my eyes more about the two types. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Latin Roots #5

Roots and Derivatives
  1. cent(i)
  2. cid(e)
  3. clam, claim
  4. cord, cour
Word List
  1. bicentennial- related to a celebration of a (two hundredth anniversary; a happening once in a period of two hundred years or lasting two hundred years.                                              Sentence: At school, they have bicentennial reunions to reunite the sports team all together.
  2. centenarian-a person who has lived a hundred years                                                                                                                                Sentence: Many people have the blessing to live centenarian.                                                                                                                                                                     
  3. centurion -a Roman soldier commanding a military unit known as a century        Sentence: The centurion was in charge of 50 men to fight the battle.                                                                                                                             
  4. clamorous-characterized by insistent complaining                                                                                                                              Sentence: The character in the novel was being  clamorous towards the main character.        
  5. concise-covering much in few words; brief and to the point                                                                                                                                Sentence: While taking notes, you should write concise words.  
  6. concordance-condition of harmony or agreement                                                                                                                         Sentence: The concordance in class today was over the homework assignment.  
  7. cordial- warm & sincere; amiable                                                                                                                               Sentence: While writing the letter, it was cordial. 
  8. discordant-(sounding) harsh or inharmonious                                                                                                                         Sentence: Many people don't think what they say so it comes out discordant.
  9. genocide-the systematic killing of an entire ethnic group                                                                                                                                 Sentence: The Jewish were killed in a genocide.
  10. incisive- keenly penetrating; cutting into                                                                                                                                    Sentence: Cutting the wood, David I had described it as incisive.
  11. proclamation-  an official announcement informing or honoring                                                                                                                           sentence: After soccer season was over, we had a proclamation as a whole group.
  12. reclaim-to restore to former importance or usefulness                                                                                                                            Sentence: Taking the test, she reclaimed her score.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

  1. bon, boun (good): bonus, bounty, bountiful, bonify, boon, bon voyage, bonhomie
  2. capit, capt (head, chief, leader): capital, captain, capitalize, decapitate, per capita, capitol
  3. carn(t) (flesh): carnal, carnality, carnival, carnation, carnify
  4. ced(e), ceed, cess (go, yield, surrender): recede, proceed, success, concede, exceed, procession, unprecedented 
  1. accession n: the attainment of a certain rank or dignity; an increase by means of something added; the act of becoming joined::SENTENCE: At the hospital, many volunteers accession the new year.  
  2. bona fide : in a good faith: genuine::SENTENCE: She bona fide her response with a promise. 
  3. bonanza : a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches; ::SENTENCE: In Hawaii many people had received bonanzas due to the government.  
  4. bounteous : inclined to be generous; plentiful and abundant ::SENTENCE : For some reason many people in La were bounteous because of what they had there. 
  5. capitulation : a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions: a final giving up ::SENTENCE : The capitulation of the team was for scene. 
  6. carnage : a great slaughter, as in a battle ::SENTENCE : At the end of war, it all ended with a carnage that wouldn't be forgotten.
  7. carnivorous : flesh-eating, as an animal ::SENTENCE : The dog became very carnivorous around little kids. 
  8. incarnate : literally in the flesh: in bodily form; personified; flesh-colored ::SENTENCE : The person blood incarnated as it went on the sidewalk. 
  9. intercede : to act on another's behalf: to meditate ::SENTENCE : In plays, many of the parts they had to intercede on each other's parts. 
  10. precedent : a previous act or decision taken as a valid model; a having gone before ::SENTENCE : The precedent we are in other classes reflects our peers. 
  11. recapitulation n: a brief repetition: a summary, as of what has already been said ::SENTENCE : The play had recapitulation every 5 minutes. 
  12. reincarnation n: a thing that is reborn, or comes back into being, although perhaps in a different (bodily) ::SENTENCE : My neighbors dog was a reincarnation of my pet. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014


1. The plot in the novel was how Gatsby wanted Daisy, but Daisy had a husband who was Tom. Tom was in love with Myrtle, a girl he doesn't know much about. The exposition is how the narrator was from world war 1 and is renting a house from West Egg. West egg in a small fancy town. There are many different classes depending on where you live. 

2. The theme of the novel is the reality vs the past. Meaning how the classes are divided up, and each one is apart of a town. The author had choose to write about this because of watching how he grew up in a neighborhood similar to it. 

3. I choose this book because I had a little background to it. I've heard of this book in another class. The first time looking at this book, I thought it was difficult to understand due to the fact it was twisted. What made me keep reading it was how the characters all liked each other, but then again they each had someone. It had caught my attention by the suspense in this novel. 

4. I found this novel realistic because of how they described the " upper class " or the " wealthy and powerful ". I didn't really have connections to this book due to the fact that this all happened in the past which I wasn't born yet. 

5. The authors tone in this novel was first explaining how it's reality vs the past. You think something is going to be one way, but really it doesn't happen the way you see it. Another tone the author had was suspenseful due to the fact that the novel was twisted with events. The third tone the author had was a new beginning. 

6. One literary element is a symbol of the green light. The green light was the Gatsby's hope and dreams for the future. Another symbol was New York. It stood for a symbol of America. A motif is geography. It's a place and settings telling about the 1920's. The tone through the novel was suspenseful due to the action. There was also the difference between the social classes and the spirit of the 1920's. Another literary element is the decline of the American Dream. An imagery is how each of the characters liked each other but they all had some they were with. A situational irony that happened In the novel was how the end of the story ended. A diction in this novel was "wealthy". 

1. A direct example on Daisy is how they describe her as being sad and lovely. An indirect example of Daisy is how they say a beautiful little fool is the best thing a girl can be in the world. Another character is nick. A direct characterization is nick not the author. An indirect example is how we judge it wether the way it's describe is true or not. The author uses both approaches to see both sides of the characterization. My last impression of the characters is wealthy but not judging. 

2. The author does diction on the characters by the way they are described in the novel. Some characters seem more wealthier then others, and others seem less caring of their class. 

3. The main character Gatsby I would say is both static and round. I think he's round because he shows no change in the entire book. He's static because he's the most in dept. 

4. After reading this book, I felt like I met a character. I felt like I met Gatsby because he's not such a bad man at all. They described him as killing someone in the begin of the novel, which he wasn't like. 

Two enduring memories I have in this story is the twisted event of the characters, and how the story ends. The twisting event was very exciting due to the fact that I didn't know what was going to happen. At the end of the story, it didn't end as I thought it would. It twisted the story again and ended a totally different way! Although it was a very twisting novel, it was good story overall. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives
1. Aud ( it ) (hear): audience, auditorium, audition, audiovisual
2. Avi (bird): aviation, aviculture, aviatrix, avifauna
3. Bell(i) (war): rebellion, rebel, belligerent, postbellum
4. Ben(e) (good, well): benefit, benevolent, benediction, benefice, benison
Word List
1. Antebellum: before the war, especially the American Civil War; typical of how things were done before any war 
Sentence : The antebellum was done before the 2000.
2. audit: to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company’s financial records; the process of making such an examination
Sentence: many people that go to Hancock don't just take classes for audit.
3. auditory: related to the sense of hearing
Sentence: Everyday I stuck my headphone into my ear, so I obviously have an auditory of hearing.  
4. aviancharacteristic of or pertaining to birds
Sentence: My grandma carries avian birds.
5. aviaryan elaborate structure for housing birds
Sentence: Since my grandma loves birds, she would aviary them and put them in the living room.
6. avionicsthe technology of (using) electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight
Sentence. The airplane fliers need to avionics the flying up in the air. 
7. bellicoseeager to fight or quarrel; hostile
Sentence: My dogs have been bellicose lately due to the other female dogs. 
8. belligerencythe condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action
Sentence: Back then, they would make some people belligerency due to their actions. 
9. benefactora person who gives another (financial) help; a patron
Sentence: My parents work as a team to benefactor everything they have to pay together. 
10. beneficiaryone who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy
Sentence: When I grow older, my parents put me under the name to get the beneficiary.
11. benignnot malignant; gracious and kindly; good-nature
Sentence: where we live at, I think it's good benign.
12. Inaudibleunable to be heard
Sentence: A deaf person wouldn't be able to inaudible anything that is said. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Homer the Blind Poet

Main Characters
In the story of Homer the Blind Poet there are only two major characters. Homer the blind storyteller who traveled around and composed epic poems, which would eventually become two of the most well-known myths around the world, and his young unnamed helper that assisted him in various aspects. 


The story of Homer the Blind Poet didn’t have a specific setting because he was a traveling storyteller. However, we do know that when Homer was in town the next few nights would consist of a feast where Homer was pampered and then prompted to tell a story. All that came out to listen would gather around a fire and wait eagerly while his helper tuned his harp. Then he would begin to weave a complex poem while playing the harp and never breaking meter. Homer told stories so enticing that most would forget the time and stay out listening in a trance until the fire had died down to mere embers. 

All we truly know about Homer is that he traveled from town to town searching for a place to stay and eat in payment for his storytelling. He traveled with a helper who assisted him in every day actions that a blind man would need help with. Throughout his years of storytelling he has been accredited with composing classic myths that live on today; such as Odysseus and Iliad. 

We decided that there was no conflict in the story. 

What Does the Myth Attempt to Explain?
The myth attempts to explain how the human voice is the first instrument to be played and will always be heard from generation to generation. Homer entrapped the minds of people from city to city, no matter what their origin or social status, while he recited countless stories that he had created and memorized to the sound of a harp and fire crackling. 
Now we can also use the myth as an insight to the Greek social structure because traveling storytellers were the very first celebrities. They were welcomed in any city and lavished with food and gifts for their stories of adventure. Also the myth gives us a first-hand experience of what entertainment was like for this ancient culture. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

anni, annu, enni - year, annuity
aqua, aque - water , aquatic
arm-  weapon, armory
art- art, craft, skill, inarticulate

aqua- the hue of the sea: bluish-green
Sentence: At bora bora, the water was aqua and clean !
aquaculture- the cultivation of plants and animals in water for human food
Sentence: The aquaculture in the water was poison to dogs.
aqueous- like, of, or, or formed by water, watery
Sentence: The fish lived in an aqueous tank filled with water.
armada- a fleet of warship
Sentence: One day I plan to stay in an armada.
armature- an armlike projection
Sentence: The armature flew by while he was trying to pass someone a board while construction.
armistice- a temporary suspension of hostilities
Sentence: the armistice only last two days due to the fighting going on.
artifact- any object produced by the art of the human hand
Sentence: The artifact said it took place in the Ancient Greece.
artifice- cunning integenuity; sly trickery
Sentence: The artifice about it was the face that it wasn't true.
artisan - a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft
Sentence: Back then, everyone made everything by hand and it was called artisan.
millennium- a period of piece and prosperity
Sentence: after the war had ended, they had left millennium time to Seattle down.
perennial- year after year, throughout the year
Sentence: While deciding if I should go or not, perennial home by and I just stayed.
superannuated- old and warn out; retired
Sentence: The teacher superannuated due to the fact that she was already turning 70 years old.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Favorite Journal Entry

Stephanie Tinco
Journal from August 21, 2014
Period 3 
I think many young people want to be older because your able to do more stuff rather then having to depend on people or ask for favors. Older people want to be young again because you have less responsibilities. For example, paying off bills having to drive places, and of going to work each and every day. I am 15 years old right now. I wish I was older but then again I don't due to the fact that I'm young. I still have the freedom and easy life. I like being young because my responsibilities and exceptions aren't so high. I'm free. All I have to worry about is going to school and achieving my future goals. Therefore I plan to be young and never grow old.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Purpose of myths review

Name four fundamental questions that myths adress.
What is the native of the universe which I live? How do I relate to that universe? How much control do I have over my own life? What must I do in order to survive? How can I lead a satisfying I do in order to survive?

Name four things in world mythology.
Parents, god, sky, earth.

What is the beginning of the universe from major culture?
A chaotic formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate.

What do hero myths and epic teach members of society?
It's member of the appropriate, behavior, and values of that culture.

Humans are the models of human behavior for their society. They earn lasting fame by performing great deeds that help their community and inspire others to emulate.

What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?
The foundation of the Martriarchal society is agriculture.

What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?
 Sigmund Frued views myths as the expression of the external environment.

Myths demonstrate that people possess?
Their myths demonstrate that they possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Final Draft of BOR

Birth Order Research
 In my family of six, I'm considered the youngest child. In my family, there's my mom and dad, sister (20), sister (19), brother (18), and then me. (15) I listed five character traits describing how the youngest child is, and how I relate to it. The five traits I feel that relates to me the most has the most background to it.                                                                                          
   The  youngest child is described as rebellious. Rebellious fits me because I can be a rebel sometimes and not think of the consequences that could happen afterwards. Youngest child is also described as carefree. I absolutely know I'm carefree due to the things I don't have to worry about. For example, a lot of the times I depend on my older siblings to helps out. Therefore, I don't have a lot on my shoulders and I keep going on with life with less problems.
               Another character trait that relates to being the youngest is blaming others. I always blame others when it comes down to me getting in trouble. For example, I'm the youngest so obviously I'm spoiled. Being spoiled, knowing you won't get trouble if you blame others is the way I see it. Yes, I do this a lot when it comes down to who I think my parents will believe. Blaming others is my number one characteristic I can relate to. My siblings are temperamental a lot of times, especially when I blame stuff on them. Sometimes, I can actually relate to being temperamental also. Little things can ruin my day within seconds. There are days I wake up mad just for no reason. I don't only think this character trait fits only youngest children, it fits
in the rest of the others as well.

                Lastly, another trait describing "youngest child", that was found in the research is "impatient". I consider this my second top related character trait. I'm very impatient when I don't get what I want when I want when I want it. For example, I hate waiting in lines especially the lunch lines at school. I rather not eat then have to wait in a line where there are a lot of people. Another example is when people don't listen to what I have to say and just interrupt me when I'm speaking. I have very little patients with people that annoy me. I just can’t stand anyone sometimes. It can be hard for me to not be impatient.

              The most background I have is the traits that fit me the most. Blaming others and being impatient I found the research to relate to me in being the youngest child. Many of the character traits had fit my personality, but as well as my older siblings because we are very rotten. As we were little growing up, everyone had spoiled us, so we really aren’t that different from each other.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vocabulary #1

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
 word list :
agenda - a list of items to be discussed t a formal meeting.
Sentence : I use an agenda everyday to keep

track of my classes and homework.
agile - able to move quickly and easily
Sentence : Even though there was a lot of
people in line, I was able to agile through everyone.

alienate - cause ( someone ) to feel isolated or estranged.
Sentence :  I try not to cause people to feel alienate because I know how that can feel sometimes.

altercation - a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.
Sentence : I don't find it necessary when people altercation in places that isn't your home.

amiable - having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
Sentence : At the hospital, I amiable everyone who walked passed me by fretting them.

amorous - showing, or feeling.
Sentence : When I get irritated with someone I amorous throughout my whole day.

animated - full of life or excitement; lively.
Sentence : I would want my life to be animated but with a lot of work, I'm no where near it.

equanimity - mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
Sentence : We had to help equanimity my grandma sometimes due to tough situations for her.

inalienable - unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.
Sentence : No one could take my moms phone because she always paid her bills, so it was inalienable to not have.

inanimate - not alive, especially not in the manner of animals and humans.
Sentence : An inanimate object is similarly consecrated.

magnanimous - very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself.
Sentence: Pioneer valley high school had a game vs Regettii high school which the coaches made magnanimous both teams to each other.

reactionary - (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
Sentence : The reactionary voters didn't know who to vote for due to the political speeches.


1. No I don't think there's anything that will affect my participation or experience in this class. I have access to a computer and a smart phone of my own. My transportation to school is by car. I got a lot of friends, some I like to hang out with a lot more then others! I got a huge, nice, loud family. My schedule for this school year is unbelievingly tiring! I go to school from 7:30- 2:55, full 7 classes. It's such a hassle to be moving to so many classes throughout the day. I rather have a block schedule then a period schedule in my opinion.

2. My best learning experience must have been at the hospital. I volunteer there once a week for 3 hours a day. I volunteered all over the hospital now being my 3rd year volunteering there. Being at the hospital, there's really nothing you know that will go on. Everyday is something new, because everything is happens unexpected. I learned how to communicate, be smart, and find my way around the whole hospital. As I just ended my summer, a lot of pvhs students volunteered there as well. Going there every once out of the week helped me get more familiar with the new hospital. Now I can just walk around without having to ask for help around others, and help other new incoming volunteers.

3. I'm most excited with the fresh new start of English honors. What I'm concerned about is the amount of homework that will be given later on. I look forward into learning how to write better, and also get a higher vocabulary. I think it will make a practical difference in my life by having to step up and giving myself a challenge. Knowing that I won't give up and I'll stay positive throughout this whole new year.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My six words

Title : Old ways won't open new doors. 
    I picked this 6 word saying because it's telling you not to go back into old habits. Try something new and build upon that. You aren't always going to get what you want in life so you have to learn how to deal with new stuff. You don't always make it far if your using old habits. Along the way, you have to change the ways you do stuff. For example, I volunteer and play soccer. Starting off volunteer for my first time, I didn't know anyone nor did I know my way around the hospital, so I had to learn how to talk and be around others without being shy. In soccer throughout my 6 years, I met a lot of new people as I played but I also had to learn how to work together as a team. 
    In my video I showed a part about looking in the back of the book for the answers. Yes, I get that you check your answers to see if there right, but not everyone's alike and so some people just copy the back of the book. In my next showing, I showed the bear reading and not procrastinating. Procrastinators wait til the very last minute til something is due. If you change your ways and plan stuff out, you won't have to be struggling.  Therefore, you should change your ways and get out of your circle your always in. " Old Ways Won't Open New Doors. "